Monday, May 20, 2013

I love my job...

That is not sarcasm. I am fortunate to have found my place, working in technology at an institution of higher education. At community colleges, we accept for enrollment anyone who has the desire to further themselves. Attending one as an adult changed my life for the better. What I learned at a community college actually helped me serve as a consultant to places like Princeton and Duke.

Taking part in our college's graduation ceremony last week re-energized me to no end. Our certificate and degree earners were as young as 16 and as old as mid-70's, across all social and economic spectrum. Many were their family's first college graduate, and the roars, cheers and applause was humbling. The graduates of our programs have significant impact on the local economy, and watching them gave me enormous satisfaction, knowing I had some small part in their success.

So, if I seem on cloud nine lately, forgive me for my idealism and happiness. I'm helping others achieve a dream. Don't get in my way.....

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