Monday, February 28, 2005

Good day at work

We had our monthly Board of Trustees meeting today, at our educational facility located at Kennedy Space Center. We had a "behind the scenes" VIP tour, which included the Orbital Processing Facility 3, where the shuttle Discovery is undergoing preparation for the May flight. We spent the majority of the time walking underneath the shuttle (it was supported by multiple jack stands). I got an up-close look at all the tiles that cover the bottom of the shuttle. We then moved up the catwalk (4 stories) and looked down into the open bay where technicians and engineers were working on the air-lock. Then walked back on the catwalk to the shuttle engine area, saw the main engine, major thrusters, and 44 positional thrusters.

Our college's facility is within a couple miles of the launch and assembly buildings, on KSC property. We have a program that trains and certifies technicians, which is very successful.

Having a close look at this facility creates a sense of pride. It showcases America's engineering invention and innovation talents. Though many may think that it is a waste of money, and/or lives, we need to continue to explore space, otherwise we resign ourselves to a meager existence, not knowing what we don't know, nor striving to endeavor.

Click here to learn more about the Return to Flight progam at the center.

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