My first "live" DCI show, ever. Attended with a couple of HS band kids (1 was my daughter), my parents (former drum major and majorette) and the local HS band director. After watching DCI via theater and via internet, I can only say that I praise each and every one of the kids that hit the field in Orlando. The best entertainment value for my dollar in a long time. Got there as soon as the gates opened, after spending the day watching the Crusaders go through sections and ensemble. Cool.
Teal Sound - I was impressed, first time I saw them. They are looking good, may have some chances to reach the top of open, and I've heard some of their fans in the crowd talk about them applying for World Class. My dad was impressed, I told him to hold on to his hat, the big guys were coming up later.
Crossmen - I actually thought that Teal performed better. They just seemed smaller, don't know how to explain it, they just didn't have the intensity to me. Nothing major stuck out, good or bad. Well played, but lacking the enthusiasm of the other corps this night.
Blue Stars - They picked up the pace, and though they were the best to the point, they seemed to me to be a very good potato dish on a night that ended up being a meat feast.
Spirit - Excellent percussion, spot on, with attitude. They owned that field. However, guard was absent, spent most of the night in the back, and didn't add to the theme. Kept wanting more of that drumline.
Glassmen - Really good show, great use of props, musical anecdotes, and whimsy. The theme was coherent, well played, and engaging. It went by too fast, I wanted more. First show of the night to get me out of my seat. Congrats to the group.
Colts - Similar to Crossmen, not much that I can comment on, they were lost in the sauce to me this night. Intensity, enthusiasm was apparent in places, but not consistently through the performance. It seemed to be a short show.
Crusaders - OK, I'm biased, I found out earlier in the day that my daughter performed for the first time with BAC the night before in Valdosta, up till then she was an alternate. Spent all day watching them prepare, and I'll probably volunteer on tour for a week or so next year. We had probably 30 people in the stands from her HS there. It was going to be loud, regardless. But, they pumped that crowd UP. Started slow, began kicking ### and taking names by the end of the first piece, and by the end of the performance the stadium was up and screaming for more. They ripped my face off, I had to find it about 10 rows back. Those horns can blow. They need to clean up the drill, and I've seen a few changes that will be incorporated later on, so look out.
Bluecoats - Was told by a neighboring fan to be ready. They were right, the "bloooooo" cheers gave me goosebumps. Musicality on par with Boston, but the theme was getting tired as it wore on, not too much diversity. Boxer loses, trains hard, then wins. Why are they using very skinny kids for the boxing scenes, don't they feed their guard on tour?? rolleyes.gif Just kidding. One boxer did run stumble into the drumline, but they didn't miss a beat. I put them just behind Boston, but the judges felt otherwise. Hey, I'm a homer.
Crown - Also well supported, one of the kids I took knew a couple of Crown members. This corps was TIGHT, they deserved first. What an experience, can't describe the details, other than to say that my Dad turned to me when it was done and he had tears in his eyes. He last played in drum corps over 50 years ago, and he said that it was one of the greatest musical shows he'd ever seen. Thanks Crown, for letting me share this moment with my Dad. I've never been big on corps until my kids started gathering interest, and this brought us a little closer together.
Cadets - Played well, not my cup of tea. Every time the music and drill gained momentum, someone's life story interrupted. Just didn't have the flow of any of the other top 5 corps performances, even though they played and moved in unison. Compared to the Boston standing O, the screams of Blooooo, and having to pick up my face for the second time due to Crown tearing through the stitches left from BAC, the Cadets were disappointing.
Sorry for the late review, spent the day with my BAC daughter, we brought her home for a couple of hours so she could do laundry, bask in some local glory, get fed some home cooking, and then took her back to her bus to finish her first tour. Couldn't wipe the smile off her face with a 20-ton earth mover.