Happy Holidays-From The Marshall’s
Well, another year speeds by us all, we are hoping everyone is coping with the holidays and all the chaos that they bring. Our year has been busy, and quick, here is the update:
Tatiana, 21, has graduated from Haverford College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in May of 2004. She has a major in Anthropology and a minor in Women’s Studies. Her goal is to pursue a career in museum studies. As of now she is currently living with two girlfriends in the Boston area. She works as a tutor for elementary children and part-time at Starbucks. She loves the Boston area and being on her own.
Erin, 17, is in her final year of high school. She is carrying a full load of honors and AP courses and is dong very well in her studies. Erin has applied to Florida State University, Florida Atlantic University, and Harriet Wilkes Honors College at Florida Atlantic University, hoping to go to the honors college and is anxiously waiting for replies. As of now her career goal is split between medical, education and business , but she has time before she decides. In karate she will be testing for her black belt in the spring. She also is continuing her study of the samurai sword.
Maddie is 13 and in 8th grade. She is doing well in gifted and advance classes. Her current interests are soccer, drawing, and playing the flute in symphonic band at school. Maddie is looking forward to attending high school next year and playing in the high school band. She is also testing for her black belt in the spring.
Caroline is 12 and in the 7th grade. She is also doing well in advance classes at school. Her current interests are volleyball, karate, drawing Japanese anime (cartoons) and language. She is on a recreational volleyball team and loves it. Caroline is teaching herself thru CDs the Japanese language. She is also testing for her black belt is the spring. Even though Caroline is the youngest she is now a ½ inch taller then Nancy.
Tim is now the CIO, Chief Information Officer, at Brevard Community College. He loves his new job and responsibilities but the highlight of his new job is being the head of a TV station. It is a cable station that broadcasts long distance classes and local news and programs. Tim is not traveling around the country anymore and does not miss it. He reached brown belt in karate and sword, but is taking a break at the moment.
Tim and the children keep me busy but I continue to volunteer at school and shuttle the kiddies to their activities. On Wednesday mornings I bowl on a ladies only league. My highest game is a 218! I also enjoy running a book club in our neighborhood and going to Curves three times a week.
Everyone is healthy and happy in our house. We survived the overwhelming and nerve racking hurricane season- thankfully with very little damage. Many of the neighboring communities are still waiting for repairs. We hope next year will be a mild one.
Here’s to hoping everyone will have a healthy and happy New Year.
Love to all
Tim, Nancy, Tatiana, Erin, Maddie, and Caroline